Utilizamos la galardonada herramienta de planificación Open Project para configurar planes de acuerdo con varias plantillas, recopilar informes de progreso, calcular el consumo de tiempo y costos y presentar el estado a nuestros clientes. Esto crea información valiosa que se utiliza para el análisis post-mortem y proyectos futuros. Toda esta información se le entrega al cliente.

We utilize the award winning planning tool Open Project for set up plans accordingly to various templates, collect progress reports, calculate time& costs consumptions and present status to our Customers. This creates valuable information that is used for post-mortem analysis and future project. All these information is delivered to our Client.

By jcedillomorelos

CEO & Founder @ Shine Desk Solutions, CIO, IT Manager, Sr. Consultant, SAP Project Manager, SAP Delivery Manager. PMO and Help Desk Consultant

2 thoughts on “Shine Desk Solutions tools used to provide services. Part #1”
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